Monday, August 30, 2010

Living in motion

Day 4 – In-Transit: Halifax to Spain

The constant hum from the propellers and the rocking back and forth turns bellies inside out and green-faced zombies walking the halls of Fall 2010 Semester at Sea voyage. The seas have been relatively clam for the past few days, but that would come as a surprise to the majority of the participants who haven’t quite got their sea legs yet.

Despite being in constant motion walking down the halls seems to be the biggest challenge. As the boat rocks back and forth towards starboard than port side students stumble back and forth trying to walk in a straight line. It is near to impossible not to bump into at least one person at every attempt to walk.

In classrooms, attention spans sway in an out and projection screens flap against the wall. It is an unorthodox college learning environment and presents some interesting challenges.

For instance, shaving in the shower requires skill that should be considered an Olympic sport. For one, there is a deadly razor sharp object involved, unpredictable turbulence, closet size space and balancing on one leg all at the same time.

It will take dedication, balance, and a lot of medication to reach Spain.


  1. Leah -- this is so awesome for you and for me! i love reading about your adventures. I am so proud of how you are seizing the opportunity. Love you MOM
